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Cherry Seasons

Production Region 

Season of cherries can be divided into summer and winter based on their origins.


Cherries imported in summer mainly come from the northern hemisphere including southwestern US (California from May to mid June), northwestern US (including Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Utah from mid June to Sep) and northern Canada (Sep-Oct) .


In winter, cherries mainly come from the southern hemisphere including Chile, Australia and New Zealand.


Cherry Varieties


It is well known as a large, dark red cher-ry with superb flavor and firm, juicy flesh. It is described as sweet, acidic with excellent flavor, jui-cy, firm and crunchy.Bing cherries ma-ture mid-season.


Lambert is a sweet, mild variety. They are a medium, heart‐shaped cherry with red skin and firm flesh.


Van cherries are a medium to large, slightly‐squat heart‐shaped variety with dark brown‐red skin and sweet red flesh. Van cherries are available midseason.


Tulare is a large, dark red. early sea-son variety with goo-d flavor that ripens 8 to 9 days ahead of Bing, but may not be as firm as Bing. It is predominantly available in the early cherry season in California which be-gins in mid-April.


Chelan™ is firm and attractive with mah-ogany red skin and medium to dark red flesh. It has a mild, sweet flavor. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 8545)

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Early-ripening mildly sweet cherry with a beautiful, glossy m-hogany red finish over medium red flesh. The fruit is very large with exce-llent firmness and a susceptibility to rain cracking similar to Bing.


Kidney-shaped che-rry with a dark red-to-black skin and dark red flesh. The fruit is very firm and appears to have good tolerance to rain-induced crack-ing. 


Sweetheart is a re-cently developed va-riety that is avai-lable late in the season. They are a medium sized cher-ry with bright red skin and mild, sweet flesh.


From York, Germa-ny. Not yet fruiting at the NWMHRS. Re-ported to be very late, good quality, highly crack resis-tant.  


Rainier is a large, yellow cherry with a red blush and light yellow flesh. Exqui-sitely flavored with high sugar levels, this is a premium niche variety that ri-pens just after Bing.


Black, lustrous skin, flattened heart sh-ape. moderately lar-ge and firm with a highly attractive,lus-trous skin, a flat-tened heart shape and medium-long stems. 

Ex-tremely large hi-gh quality, export-capable, early/mid season cherry. Ori-gin from Canada.


Late cherry, it ripens after Sweetheart, a full month after 'Bin-g' and produces a large and firm dark cherry, glossy and attractive in a pack. Size is similar to Sweetheart, with go-od flavour and sw-eetness when pick-ed at optimum ma-turity.


Originally from Czechoslo-vakia (first go-od look at fruit in NW -Michigan in 1998); fruit are large, firm, very good quality, late, exceptionally e-longated pit,crack-ing may be a pro-blem. 


Large, heart shaped, glossy, dark red ch-erry of excellent qua-lity for its season.



Cherry Sizing and Brix

Cherry sizing standards vary by country. Currently, international standards mainly utilize two different sizing methods - “ROW” and “MM”. Apart from USA and Canada using “ROW”, others are using “MM,” including New Zealand, Chile and Australia. The smaller the ROW number the larger the cherry, whereas MM is the opposite.

The sweetness of fruit means how much sugar is contained and Brix is used as the unit of measurement for sweetness. One degree of Brix is 1 gram of sucrose in 100 grams of solution and represents the strength of the solution as a percentage by mass. We use the Brix meter to measure sugar content with sucrose as standard. Usually, brix of sugar cane is around 20; and brix of cherry is at least above 16, with some reaching up to 23.


Cherry Harvesting

Cherry picking must be done in the morning, and pickers must be very careful to avoid any collision. Cherries shaken from trees are immediately plunged into cold water and transported to processing plants, where they are washed, de-stemmed, pitted, and packed for freezing within hours of harvesting. The whole process needs to be done under low temperature to ensure quality of each cherry.

Cherry Selecting

Sunlight and water sprinkling will soften cherries, which means firm cherries are actually more fresh. Selecting ones with good elasticity, dark color skin, big size, hard pulp and no cracked exteriors are ways to get great, delicious cherries. In addition, we can tell the freshness from the cherry’s stem. The greener the stem is, the fresher the fruit is. In other words, If it’s turning brown, the lack of freshness is quite obvious.


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